
“Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Rewarding reading
Our laser focus right now is getting our Family product released and in your hands. We're really excited about the way we track the way a child feels about their reading and how that feedback gets sent back to parents so they can send encouragement.
At the core of our family product is our recommendation engine. Here's a sneak peak of how the recommendations might look:

Better book recommendations
An exciting development will be improving our core recommendation engine. We will cover this in more detail in an upcoming blog post but the general idea is to switch from human labeled clusters of books to using machine learning to carry out per book classification.
Editorial Tooling
Along with upgrading the recommendation engine we will spend some time improving our admin and labelling application. This is a tool we use to make any editorial adjustments and administrate users, libraries and schools. Not everything in our database is exposed or editable through this interface so we keep chipping away adding features as required. Our mid term plan here is to open up the admin application for librarian & school administrator use.
School and public libraries are both very important partners for Huey Books. We've had strong interest in our Public Library offering largely based on our deployment at Blacktown City Council Libraries, with the support of the State Library of NSW. In early 2023 we will be developing more features explicitly for public libraries. This likely includes a kiosk and print friendly interface as well as API integrations with popular library management systems to sync collection data.

These features are just the beginning, we will be iterating and improving the live product almost straight away.
Let us know what you think about our roadmap and new features.